ドルジスレン レハゲワドルジ Dorjsuren LKHAGVADORJ : モンゴル
「The Bull」
- この写実的な動物の彫刻では、対象の柔和さと美しい安らぎを表現します。しかし、用いる素材とテクニックは粗く、動物の美しいかたちをとおし、見る人に改めて自然の力を実感して頂きたいと思います。1頭の動物の自然な形状を、魂を込め表現できるよう努めます。
直線的な見た目から対象内部の魂に至る深みへ、見る人を誘うでしょう。 - A realistic image of this animal sculpture is displayed softness and beautiful serenity of the object. However, it made by using roughness of the materials and techniques.The viewers recognize once again a power of nature through the animal beauty shape.I try to show the natural shape of an animal with the soul. My rough technique of cutting raw wood using a chainsaw which prevents viewers are focusing too much on intricately detailed shapes that would ultimately distract from the mysterious qualities of the animal. Finally, the viewers can fell deeper from straight shape into the soul of the object.