井波彫刻協同組合 代表・岩倉雅美(他121名) : 日本(富山県)
「The Tower of a Phoenix」
- 鳳凰は古(いにしえ)に中国より伝わった架空のもので、「鳳」は雄、「凰」は雌を指し、嘴(くちばし)は鶏、頷(あご)は燕、頸(くび)は蛇、背は亀を合体させたものといわれている。その優美な姿は日本に根付き、天平の昔から今日まで、たいへん縁起のよいシンボルとして伝えられてきました。 この木彫りの鳳凰が国境を越え、全世界に平和を運んでくることを願うとともに、東日本大震災の早い復興を祈り、強固な絆を結び明日に向かって飛び立とうとする鳳凰の姿を制作いたします。
- A Phoenix (鳳凰) is the fictitious bird which is handed down from Ancient China, "鳳"is a male, "凰" a female. The phoenix is said to have been completed into one synthetic form by uniting its beak from a hen, its chin from a swallow, its neck from a snake and its back from a tortoise.The graceful figure had its root in Japan and has been thought to be to a very auspicious symbol from the ancient times of Tempyo to today. I do hope that this wooden phoenix will cross the frontier and bring back the peace to all the world, also wishing rapid reconstruction of the places attached by the East Japan Great Earthquake. Here is my phoenix setting out for tomorrow and trying to make up the bond.